MBV Courses

Social Media Management Servies

Digital Marketing Traffic, Content, Social Media & SEO

1 review
Enrolled: 300 students
Duration: 4 hours
Lectures: 11
Video: 2 hours
Level: All

Here are the key points on what you’ll learn from this course:

Traffic Generation

  • Understand the importance of driving traffic for online success
  • Overview of traffic methods and strategies
  • Best practices for effective traffic generation
  • Common mistakes to avoid

Content Marketing

  • Significance of compelling content for engaging and converting audiences
  • Introduction to content marketing and its role in overall strategy
  • Tips, tactics, and strategies for creating captivating content
  • Tools to enhance content creation and distribution

Social Media Marketing

  • Importance of social media for brands and engaging audiences
  • Marketing strategies tailored for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest
  • How to effectively engage followers, increase awareness, drive conversions


  • Significance of SEO for improving digital presence
  • Keyword research techniques
  • On-site and off-site optimization strategies
  • SEO tools, services, and outsourcing options

The key focus areas are traffic generation, content marketing, social media marketing, and SEO. Students will gain strategic overviews, actionable best practices, and skills in each area.

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